Medical reports & Examinations
The practice offers medical reports for their registered patients that offer a detailed summary of your health taking into account how your health has affected you and your quality of living. Such reports fall outside the work commissioned by the NHS and therefore considered private with fee chargeable
Please complete the form below ONLY if you have completed payment AND given a reference number
Common forms
Request for housing letter for appeals i.e. medical reasons or damp
Fees for Private Services
The NHS provides most health care free of charge. However there are a number of other services for which fees can be charged. These are mainly for services not covered by the NHS, such as medical reports for insurance companies. Doctors are involved in a whole range of non-medical work, largely on the basis that they occupy a position of trust within the community, and are in the position to verify the accuracy of information. If a GP signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a professional duty that s(he) checks the accuracy of such information. This may involve examining the patient's entire medical record.
Letter of proof of registration/address: Individual: £30, Family: £30
Private letter (to whom it may concern):
From £60
Disability Evidence Form: £60
Private insurance claims form: From £60
Met Police form: £90
Army Form: £90
University & School letters
Letter to university for mitigating circumstances: From £60
Boarding School Form - £150
Fitness to travel form (Pregnancy Only): £60
Fitness to travel with examination: £150
Cancellation of travel claim form: £90
Full exam for foreign visa/work permits: £150
Fostering medicals
AH form: £150 for each parent
Full examination & report (e.g. HGV, Taxi exam): £150 (you will require eye test at the opticians separate to GP)
Driver insurance form & examination: £150
Driver insurance form without exam: £90
Firearm medical form: £60
Capability for Work Questionnaire - £30
Housing medical report
The practice does not offer housing reports however we do offer patient's medical reports stating facts related to your health. Patients have used these medical reports in their application or appeal to Haringey's housing department.
We are, however, unable to offer recommendations to the housing authority regarding premise or adaptations as these are often conducted independently by them. For more information please visit the Haringey Council housing application website.
Certificates & disability benefits forms
To apply for some permits and benefits, your doctor needs to fill in and sign certain forms. These include forms for those claiming incapacity and disability benefits. Two forms need to be completed, one by the patient and the other by the doctor, which are then required to be sent off separately.
From November the 1st 2008, application forms for the European Blue badge Parking Permits and Freedom pass permits for the disabled will no longer be filled in by your doctor. Instead, the department of social services will arrange for each applicant to have a medical examination by an independent doctor. Please click on the highlighted text to check if you are eligible for these benefits, as our doctors may refuse to fill in the forms if you are not entitled to them.
Letters for work/university/school
If you require a letter stating a fact or illness ie for work, university or school, please contact the surgery to best advise you how to proceed. Doctors during clinical appointments will not be able to facilitate this request and will advise you to speak to the receptionist. For more information please read our page on fees for non-NHS work
Passport signing requests
We do not complete naturalisation forms for patients applying to become British Citizens since the government had changed the regulations as to who can. To find out who can fill these forms please visit the Home Office website for British Citizenship