Self-Refer / Self-Help
Self refer to some of Haringey's clinical services without having to see the GP. This will save you time and reduce delay in getting an appointment with the service you want. Visit the following pages for more information for self referral
Self refer to the Haringey musculoskeletal service and save yourself time to book an appointment with the GP. They also manage pain (pain clinic, organise investigations (x-ray, MRI) and hospital referral if required
Get help to stop smoking
Get support for weight and exercise
Mental health
Counselling for adults & children
Bereavement advice and resources
Domestic violence support
Sexual health
Self refer for a full sexual health check up
Have implants, coils or request for emergency contraception
Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Self refer for antenatal (pregnancy)
Self refer if pain or bleeding in pregnancy
Get support for breastfeeding
Support for alcohol or drugs use
Details of locally held GP situated Citizen Advise Bureau
Locations of food banks run by volunteers
Gambling & Gaming addiction
Local communities services and sites
Help for carers including financial
Services for cancer suffers
Children & Babies
How to request for healthy vitamins
Locally held baby weighting clinics
Self refer to Haringey health visitor service
How to self refer for the BCG vaccination
Vaccination information / Catch-Up Clinics
Cancer screening
Details how to have breast screening
Details how to have bowel screening
Primary Eyecare Services
MECS service can treat conditions including red eye/eyelids, dry/uncomfortable eyes, foreign bodies, discharge, ingrowing lashes and more
020 8881 5000