If the GP (doctor) thinks you require a repeat prescription at regular intervals, you will be issued with a prescription often electronically and your pharmacist should give you a repeat order slip. You can order the repeat script by requesting by email or contact a receptionist or leaving it at the reception. A new script will be ready and sent to your chemist electronically (EPS) or for collection (if non-EPS) typically within two working days. If you wish for the script to be returned by post please provide a self-addressed envelope.
By Online form
Request your prescriptions online by completing the form on the button below. If it is a previous prescription given as an acute or once only you can request from the form explaining your request
Of note prescription requests that come after 2pm may not be actioned until 3 working days
If requesting for repeat ADHD medications please complete our online form. Please have your blood pressure, weight and pulse checked every 6 months and include this information for your online submission
By Email
We do accept repeat prescriptions requests from patients as long as the email address sent from is the same as that on your file.
Please ensure that your email subject contains your name, date of birth, NHS number (found on your prescription) and exact medication details and we can sent them your prescriptions via computer
No longer via your Pharmacist
The CCG have recommended that all Haringey surgeries no longer accept repeat prescription requests from their pharmacists but rather request directly from their GP. We are sorry for the inconvenience
In Person
Return the counterfoil of the prescription document clearly marking with a tick the medication you require to reception
You can now request your prescriptions online via patient emis access once you have collected your online login details from reception
By Post
Post the counterfoil of the prescription document clearly marking with a tick the medication you require to the surgery, enclosing a stamped self-addressed envelope. If posting please remember to give at 5 working days notice for a first class stamp and longer if using second class
We only accept requests for repeats over the phone for those who are housebound or severely disabled. However we do make exceptions for unforeseen circumstances. If you live outside the UK we are not permitted to issue repeat prescriptions
Electronic prescription service (EPS)
West green surgery is encouraging all of your patients to register at a pharmacist of their choice that has electronic prescribing enabled. It permits ease of request and collection of your repeat prescription all in one visit without delay saving you valuable time. this makes it more convenient for the patient whilst also meaning there is no paper prescription to lose. The Doctor will send your prescription instantly electronically to your EPS enabled pharmacist.